Thursday, December 11, 2008


Why apple could withstand a tec chrunch. i got my article off of google finaces. A survey of 2,500 U.S. consumers say that apple cut their prices by ten percent. Apple employees say that they are seeing a dramatic downsize by the company. They are getting really worried about their jobs and their careers.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

According to Wall Street they fought to recoup some of its losses on Thursday, after a day that dragged financial markets to their worst point in nearly six years.As stocks hopped from red to green and back again, investors continued to seek cover in safe havens like Treasury notes and gold, driving those prices higher. And a new report that jobless claims had crested to their highest levels in 16 years reminded investors that the frail economy continues to weaken.On Thursday, the Labor Department reported that new claims for unemployment benefits rose to a seasonally adjusted 542,000 last week, the highest level since July 1992. On Capitol Hill, the Senate was expected to take up a bill extending unemployment assistance to people whose benefits have expired.

Igot this article from The New York Times

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Troubled homeowners, change their mortgages and help them keep their houses.At a hearing of the House Financial Services Committee on Wednesday, legislators concerned about the rising tide of foreclosures encouraged the financial industry to alter the terms of more mortgages to keep people in their homes. They focused on mortgages that were sold in packages to outside investors like pension funds, hedge funds and insurance companies.